United Kingdom Embassy, Dili, East Timor

The design and construction of the United Kingdom Embassy in Timor-Leste's (East Timor) capital Dili was a prestigious job awarded to Drumreed Construction by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in January 2008.

Located in a residential area, the embassy comprises formal offices, an 'L' shaped three-bedroom residence, swimming pool and an ancillary building. 

Lack of infrastructure, an after effect of the decades of independence struggle against Indonesia, meant the majority of the top quality materials had to be sourced from the South Pacific region and shipped to Timor-Leste. Windows and joinery were fabricated in United Kingdom; reinforcing steel, cladding, iron and plywood came from Australia; timber for the interior was procured from Indonesia and Australia, and mechanical services such as air conditioning units, came from Malaysia. Exceptional project management by Drumreed Construction ensured the smooth coordination of all inputs. 

However, not all resources for this project came from afar, with a local construction company providing heavy machinery such as cranes and elevators. Local East Timorese and Filipino tradesmen were employed, and at the peak of the project 50 staff worked on site. To overcome language barriers, Drumreed Construction employed an East Timorese United Kingdom resident as staff liaison.

"The commitment displayed by Anthony and his team of builders was outstanding. As with all build projects, especially those offshore in unfamiliar settings, things do not always go according to plan. Rather than throw their hands up in frustration, Anthony and the team led the project through the difficult times with an on-site commitment from the top down."
- Mr Kim Williams, Project Manager for the United Kingdom Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade


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Key project facts and awards

Client: United Kingdom Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Completed: May 2009

Key project facts and awards

Client: United Kingdom Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Completed: May 2009